Our Core Values
We promise to help you achieve the skin care goal you set before us. We guarantee you will feel better about yourself and love the image reflected back to you in the mirror.
Our Beliefs
We believe in using treatments and pure products that nourish the skin, effectively providing healing, rejuvenation and regeneration of all skin types. Scents derived from the actual plants themselves, not perfumes. We don't believe in harsh chemicals or heavily preserved products.
We spent over one year extensively researching the market to provide our clients with the best skin care has to offer. With hundreds of thousands of skin care lines to choose from, we made our decision based on ingredients and procedures that work to strengthen the skin a the dermis level, where the cells from the skin factory begin their journey. We understand new developments are just around the corner and we promise to stay on the cutting edge of technology.
Our Prices
We believe that caring for the skin, the largest organ of your body is critical. We offer a price point to fit every budget because we believe indulging in luxurious skin care isn't only a luxury for the wealthy! We are proud to bring "red carpet" skin care to Western New York!
Our People
We are trained by highly skilled experts in skin care. Our facial and peel protocols were birthed out of decades of research and experience by the pioneer of skin care peels.